Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Some sentences about life.

I didn't write yesterday, sue me. ;) I went out on a work date last night and there was no internet. I guess it's better anyway because I would have spent more time on facebook and blogging that I would have on finishing my lesson plans! I did get my lesson plans finished, though so ya'll should be proud of me. I guess I'll just tack on an extra day to my "month of blogging." Whatev.

Anyway, today was a pretty normal day. That is, with the exception of a potentially amazing opportunity presenting itself to Matt and I. We have been praying and hoping for a new, forever house and will go tomorrow to talk to some people about possibly getting one. That's really all I can say at this point because it's really preliminary and in the very beginning stages. Sorry if it's annoying when people do that, but I'd love your prayers if you think of them.

It was over 80 degrees today for the first time in, what seemed like, forever! I picked Levi up from daycare early-ish and went to my dad's to let him run around in the back yard and play on the swings. He was dripping sweat, bright red in the face, with hair looking like a mad scientist. Haha. He wouldn't drink much water for me, but he drank 4 full cups of milk. GAG! I can't imagine drinking milk in heat, but I'm not much for milk anyway. Whatever, it kept him hydrated. We stayed to have some pizza with my dad, Bert, and Zach.

After tubby-time and potty time it was bed time. Phew! Now it's Yankees time and I'm off. Oh, but not without an adorable picture from Easter. Y'all this is too cute for me to handle. When did my baby become a little man? :(

It was a nice, normal day. Nothing out of the ordinary, nothing too stressful. Just a day to get some work done, enjoy the changing seasons, and enjoy my family. Pretty good day. I'm really going to enjoy this summer!

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