Sunday, April 24, 2011

He is Risen Indeed!

I wanted to get all deep and spiritual for an Easter post, but if I'm being honest most of my entries lately have been deep and spiritual. Haha. Aside from that, today was just too much for be to really write anything too profound. I did, however, learn and important lesson today: I can only push Levi so far before I totally set him up for behavior disaster. AKA- sometimes, when Levi is acting out, I feel totally awful because it's really my fault. :(

Back story: Thursday was our seder dinner, which ended around 7:30. We got Levi home and in bed by 8. Only about an hour late, so not too bad. Friday, the service didn't even start until 8. He went to bed at 9. Both nights he woke up around normal time (7-730) thus, not making up the lost sleep. Saturday night we dyed eggs after youth group and got him home around 9 again. Only, this morning, he woke up at like 6:30!!! He proceeded to take a 1 hour nap during church and wake up in a total funk.

We went to Easter lunch where there were about 40 people and he just wanted to go outside and play in the mud. I really fought it at first, not wanting him outside as it was off-and-on drizzling and kind of swamp-like in areas of the yard. We changed him into jeans and gave in shortly as it was going to be easier to clean him (yeah, he turned the tub gray tonight) than listen to him shreak and watch him throw himself on the ground all afternoon.

He barely ate, he whined, he laid on the ground and cried. It was awesome. It was my fault.

I know Levi needs sleep. I've always known that. For Levi to be at his optimal self he needs 12 hours + at night and 2 hours + for a nap. He's always been a sleeper and, more importantly, he's a schedule kid. He needs that and I didn't put his needs first. It's a hard balance. Next year? If he's still a sleeper we will definitely get an at-home sitter for the later evening services. Live and learn I suppose, eh?

Positives of the weekend? Levi peed on the potty 6 times Saturday!! He only missed twice. That's pretty awesome! He still doesn't tell us, or go to the potty on his own, but does seem to let us know he needs a new diaper pretty quickly. I'm pretty excited at the prospect of a diaper free house. I know one of these days I need to just bite the bullet and have a few consecutive "no diaper" days and it will happen. He's a smart kid and appears to have made the connection pretty quickly. We'll see.

Hopefully I will be posting some Easter (and South Carolina) photos very soon!

-ktw (day 2, a success!)

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