Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I'll just publish this one instead.

I just wrote a very whiny post about Matt going away this weekend. I saved it as a draft and probably won't post it.

In reality, I need to appreciate that he has a job. That it's a good job. And that we are taken care of, have insurance, etc. I need to understand that there are people who have much worse situations.

Does it kind of suck to have him gone on my birthday... again? Does it kind of suck that he has worked late every night this week and will work late again tomorrow night? Sure. Am I entitled to being a bit whiny? Maybe.

But, in the long run, it's really not a big deal. In the grand scheme of things, it's sort of silly.

So, I'm a bit whiny but I'm getting over it. I am teaching my first class Friday. I'm going to enjoy dinner with the girls and meeting up with friends on Saturday. Sunday will be church, lunch with my family, and the youth. I'll be busy, I'm hoping Levi will be happy, and Matt will be in New Jersey. Not Afghantistan or in the hospital or something else that's much worse than having a husband who occasionally needs to leave for 3.5 days to sell the heck out of some t-shirts.

Yep, I think I will leave the complaining post unpublished. It's just not the sort of thing I need to be putting out there. No one wants to be around a Debbie Downer. ;)

On Sunday I will be the big 2-6. Woot! I'm going to enjoy this weekend. I'm also going to enjoy some sort of celebration with that husband of mine. Whenever we get around to it!


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