Thursday, January 31, 2013

Losing it. Episode 2.

Today was the end of this thing called a Diet Bet. Basically, you get a group of people together on, pay $35 and then you get 4 weeks to lose 4% of your body weight. You have to submit a picture of yourself standing on the scale and a picture of the weight displayed on the scale with a special keyword written on a notecard next to it.  If you lose the weight, you get your money back. If others don't lose the weight, the people who do get to split their money.

Today, I officially WON!  Woot!  I get my money back and maybe a little extra to boot! :)

With that said, I lost 7ish pounds this month! Yay!

I'm giving myself a little grace while traveling for a few days (this does not translate into binge, just not being super strict).  When I get back we're in full prep-mode for the switch to gluten free and Daniel Fast.  If anyone has any tried and true Paleo-type recipes please share!!

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