Friday, January 18, 2013

losing it. episode 1.

I've been on Weight Watchers for a little over a month now, though, to be fair/honest, the 2 weeks of holidays were sort of a crap shoot for points tracking and I basically reversed all the progress I had made in the 2 weeks prior.  So, for the sake of argument, let's just say I actually started the 1st week of January. ;)  No seriously, that's when I restarted my tracking, working out, and keeping track of my progress.

I get some odd looks, especially from my husband, when I talk about weight watchers.  While I understand I'm not "obese" or in a risk zone BMI-wise, I am pretty horrendously out of shape, and about 20 pounds over my resting, non-pregnant weight.  I reached that weight about 2 months before getting pregnant with Jonah.  It took me a while post-Levi and I don't plan to take that long this time. Jonah will be ONE next month (omg) and I will be on my way to my happy weight. 

I have some pictures, but I'm not brave enough to post them yet. Maybe I will be able to once I have a progress picture to compare it to. For now, 3 weeks in, I am down just about 5 pounds. It's not a great loss but it's in the right direction and I'm okay with that. 

So there it is. Out in public for everyone to see. I am currently 18.7 pounds from my goal weight.  I want to be at my goal weight by my birthday (5/1); that gives me 3+ months. I think that's realistic.  Here is my plan:

- Mondays are my usual weigh-in days, and I will aim to keep track of my progress on here.

- Working out: I want to run 3xs a week but I'm going to give myself some grace here.  I will promise to be active 4 xs a week.  I would love to be able to actually run a 5k this spring, we shall see.

- Eating: I will be continuing with WW for the foreseeable future. It helps me keep track and be accountable.  As a family, we are going to be experimenting with going gluten free during the time that we Daniel Fast (for lent).  This will be a huge adjustment for the whole family (Levi especially).  I'll get into more details about the gluten experiment in another post, but stripping down our food choices to whole/naturally occurring foods has been a huge help in the past. Actually, it was how I dropped the last 14 pounds of Levi weight 2 years ago.  That whole plan takes place the 2nd week of February!

Any thoughts? Tips? Are you in the same place? What are you doing right now?  Share with me!  Let's encourage each other, cause God knows this is hard!

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