Monday, November 30, 2009

Day 2- An Alphabet of Gratitude

(Sorry this is so late! I was working on it on paper earlier today, but Levi was in some sort of mood and we I wasn't able to get on my laptop till now!)

A- Abigail, no really! I love my sissy-la-la and hate when she's gone too long!
B- Buttons. I love big buttons on sweaters and pants and bags. Lame, I know.
C- Church. I love my church and am so thankful to have been raised there.
D- Dreams. I have many
E- Extended (added) family. I have added many friends to my "family" over the years and they mean the world to me.
F- Family. The ones related by blood. They are nuts, but also pretty awesome.
G- Gifts. Not the physical kind, but the gifts I have been given- discernment, administration, vision, etc.
H- Home. I am thankful that I have a house to come home to each day.
I- Insurance. Levi's delivery would have cost us 12k or so, Matt's hosptalization 3k, and Levi's testing and doctor visits are around 2,500 and counting.
J- Pastor Jonnah and the rest of the Zimbabwe family
K- Kids. The ones I work with. Yes, all of them.
L- Levi is the blessing I didn't know I needed at the time.
M- Matthew, who is the greatest husband and father I could have ever asked for.
N- New Beginnings.
O- Outdoors. I am not really an "outdoors-y" kind of person, but I do like to appreciate nature and enjoy fresh air.
P- Pools. I really love swimming.
Q- Scrabble!!! Ok, I know scrabble doesn't start with a Q, but it made me think of it. I love game nights with my friends, even when I don't win scrabble!
R- RPI, because they pay me to think about stuff I like.
S- Synthroid! Without newborn screening and synthroid who knows what kind of problems Levi would have.
T- Teenagers, the ones who will give me gray hair very early.
U- Up & Up. Okay, this one is kinda cheating, but it's Target's brand. And I am very thankful for Target!
V- Values. My parents raised me with many values and I appreciate that.
W- Weekends. Even when I am busy all weekend, it's nice to be busy next to Matt!
X- X-rays, Echos, CT Scans, etc. Without all those fun medical advancements Matt may not be here and healthy!
Y- You!!!
Z- Zachariah, Timothy, Rebekah, Christian, and Gina. Each of them has taught me something different. Thanks!


In other news, Matt and I started c25k today. Wow! I didn't realize just how out of shape I am. I guess being pregnant and having a baby can do that to you. Thank you so much to my family who watched Levi while Matt and I went running through Cohoes. It was coooooold. But we made it! I will let you know how I am feeling tomorrow after my first run in quite a long time!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

A slight detour...

For the next 3 weeks, my blog will be dedicated to the gratitude challenge hosted by tiny prints. I have challenge all of the students in my youth program (hi guys!) to take this journey with me. I hope that reading my reflections on the gratitude activities will be helpful to them as they complete their own. I also hope that I may inspire you to take the same challenge. I have a feeling this will be a fun little exercise. So here is today's activity:
Today you start The Gratitude Challenge. Sign the contract and make a commitment to take note and give
thanks for the next 21 days. Express why you accepted this challenge and what you hope to achieve from it.

I have my contract all signed and ready to go. I am excited to accept this challenge for a few reasons: 1- I think there is no better time to do this. As we leave Thanksgiving behind and enter Advent, I really think these activities will allow me to focus my energy and attention on the more important parts of the season. 2- I think it will be a good discipline for me to be accountable to everyone to blog each day of the 21 days. I am terrible at finding time to blog, though I'd really like to. I hope this will help. 3- I don't enjoy negativity in other people, but tend to sometimes fall into the trap myself. I think being forced to find ways to be thankful, even for the negative things in my life, will be a good practice for my spirit.

So that's Day 1. Do you think you will join the challenge? The site I linked to has a calendar you can download with all of the activities on it. If you're joining, let me know why? What are you thankful for?


In a bit of other news, Matt and I (and Amy and Abbey) are starting the couch to 5k (c25k) program this week. It's 30 minutes of running exercises 3 times a week for 9 weeks, it builds you up gradually to be able to run an entire 5k. I am not a runner. I never have been. But after the mess with Matt's heart this month, I would really like to start. I have also always wanted to run a 5k for a good cause. I will try to keep everyone updated on that as I go along as well!
