Thursday, February 18, 2010

Faster Than You.

Yesterday began the lenten season. I think Protestants overlook lent too much, identifying it as "too Catholic" for a Protestant to do. For me, it's the most important, if not my favorite season on the liturgical calendar. It's always been something we observed in my household. My father used to fast during the day, eating family meals together. Other infamous fasts from my dad include his "speeding fast" his "news fast" and his "e-mail fast." Fasting has never been a legalistic ritual in my family or church's practice, but more of an effort to share in some way the "suffering" of Christ. As Americans, it is too easy to never suffer. Have a headache? Grab some tylenol. Hungry? Go to the grocery store, McDonald's etc. Have a large gash on your foot? Head to the ER for stitches. And so on. I truly believe it is time for Western Christians to learn how to suffer.

This view has only been stressed more as I have experienced this week before Lent, where everyone asks "What are you giving up for Lent?" Each time I explain my fast, the Daniel Fast, I get some eye rolls, some wincing, or some "ha ha's." Lovely. Thanks for the support. The thing is, maybe the Daniel Fast isn't right for you. But for me? Food has always been a huge issue. Spending most of my high school experience purposely eating too little, and much of my adult life eating whatever was easiest or closest, I have never had a good relationship with food. And so, for me, the Daniel Fast is the right choice. This fast (which I have done 3 or 4 times before) forces me to read labels, cook at home, bring lunch, and plan ahead. It makes me stare my everyday food choices in the face. I can't just pretend I'm "too busy" to eat food that doesn't come out of a window.

Will it be difficult? Sure. But isn't that the point of a fast? Last night, at our Ash Wednesday Service, the sermon was titled "Blessed are those who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness." The sermon struck such a chord with me. I have been thinking and worrying about my direction lately, wondering all too often what "God's plan for my life is." Making it ALWAYS. ABOUT. ME. Instead, during this lenten season, I am hoping that the hunger I feel throughout the day, the desire I have for Diet Coke or dessert will teach me a lesson about what it means to desire, to hunger for God. If that is my focus. How can my purpose not be clear?

Matt and I have entered this journey together. We do not intend to be legalistic about it. The fast is generally done for 21 days and lent is 45 or so. So we have altered it a bit in a way that is meaningful to us. We intend to fully participate in family events and celebrations, bringing food or doing our best at a restaurant to follow the rules.

I hope there is some suffering on my part. I hope that I hunger. That I desire. And that through this, I focus. And learn.

What is your sacrifice? If you aren't participating yet, I urge you to consider doing so. Give up something that might cause some discomfort. It's only 6 weeks. Your soda/sweets/internet/fried food will still be there when you're done. And you may just gain something from it!


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