Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I will not be stating specifics, nor describing or posting pictures. I will simply say, for those of you moms out there, that I have officially experienced the grossest part of pregnancy thus far. You know, one of those lovely things that no one tells you about until right before you experience it.

Oh well. Progress is progress.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dear B-Dub

(I have been writing this letter for about 20 weeks, lol. I just never really finished it. I figured I would just finish and post)

Dear Baby Wood,

It is sometimes strange that after 30+ weeks together I still don't know what to call you. Are you Levi? Naomi? Maybe I should just go with Leomi? Whatever your name, I can't wait to meet you. I have had such a great time getting to know you over the last 9 months. I know that you like late morning and early evening more than afternoons (me too, let's keep that nap schedule when you get here, k?). I know you squirm like a worm when we play music for you and you kick whenever a guitar solo comes on- your daddy says this is because you are moshing, I think you find guitar solos as confusing as I do.

We are working on making the house really nice for your arrival. Your room should be done soon, and hopefully there won't be bare walls throughout the house when you come home with us (not that you'll care, but I will!). I've already forgiven you for taking away my office space, the room looks much better as a nursery anyway! Your Aunt Abbey and Amy have been helping lots with construction and decorating. They have also lent their hand at judging me silently (and sometimes not so silently) to help me get rid of the clutter that almost 3 years of living here has compiled.

Your daddy and I love to sit and think about all the things we will get to share with you, and we love to dream about all of the things you may become. Will you like music like us? Will you be a thinker? An activist? We often joke that you will probably be nothing like us and be an athlete, though with the genes you are inheriting I can't imagine this happening. That is, unless you want to swim or dance. Sorry kid, the world is mostly your oyster but team sports may not be in the cards!

This week you completed your first Vacation Bible School. I have also taken you to Disney World and 2 Yankees games! Your dad is worried you might be a Red Sox fan someday just to spite us. I have guaranteed him we will ground you should that ever be the case. Just kidding. Sort of. You have been a trooper through all of my travels and church insanity and, aside from the swollen feet and hands that have appeared this last week, you really haven't caused me much discomfort at all. In fact, I can say that I have actually enjoyed pregnancy.

Now that your arrival is so close, I am actually a little sad. I have really enjoyed having you all to myself. I will miss being the only one who knows you, who can feel you and "play" with you. I am also anxious... about many things. You will come to find out soon enough that your mommy is a serious "planner" and a type-a personality. I would imagine you will challenge this from the get-go, beginning with this delivery thing. I hate not knowing when you will come! Especially since your Aunt Abbey, Uncle Zach and Grandpa and Grandma Bert will be out of town for 5 whole days during the 37th week! So, if you're into taking requests, I'd prefer you to come right before they leave or sometime soon after they come home. I mean, I'm not being pushy, but I'd rather not do the wait till 40+ weeks thing. Especially in August.

Your dad and I are getting so excited for your arrival. We cannot wait to meet you, to see what and who you look like, to find out your name, and to fall in love with you in a way deeper than either of us can imagine at the moment. See you soon!

With all of my love,
